Wednesdays @ Rehoboth
Date Info:Adults & Kids: 5:30 PM dinner, 6:30 PM Bible Study
Students (MS & HS): 6:00 PM Student gathering & meal, pick up by 7:45 PM
*NOTE: Wednesday nights start back February 12
Adults & Kids: 5:30 PM dinner, 6:30 PM Bible Study
Students (MS & HS): 6:00 PM Student gathering & meal, pick up by 7:45 PM
*NOTE: Wednesday nights start back February 12
Wednesday nights:
Bring your dinner and join us in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:30 PM for dinner.
Sign up for March 5 – City BBQ
Bible Study for All Adults:
Join us for an enriching teaching time with Pastor Troy at our Wednesday Adult Bible Study. This welcoming and inclusive group is open to adults of all ages and backgrounds who have a desire to learn and grow in their understanding of the Bible. Each week we explore the Word of God while seeking to foster fellowship and develop a deeper understanding of God.
Students 6th – 12th Grade:
On Wednesdays, students gather with our team of adult volunteers from 6:00 – 7:45 PM.
Nursery – 5th Grade:
Rehoboth Kids will learn more about Jesus while focusing on spiritual disciplines, such as memorizing Scripture, acts of Christian service, and praying. There will also be fun activities and crafts to reinforce these lessons! Rehoboth Kids meets from 6:30-7:45 PM.
Nursery care for babies / toddlers will be provided for adults involved in Wednesday evening Bible studies.