Serve at Rehoboth

Serve. It makes everything possible!
Every 4-5 Weeks
- Rock and care for babies during the Bible Fellowship hour or Worship Service
- Work with any of these ages during the worship service:
- Toddlers
- 2 & 3 year olds
- Pre-K & Kindergarten
- Teach or assist a teacher during the Bible Fellowship hour for these ages:
- Toddlers – Kindergarten
- Children in 1st – 5th Grades
As needed
- Teach or assist a teacher during Bible Fellowship hour when the regular leader/assistant needs to be away
Weekly (beginning in September)
- Volunteer on a weekly basis
- Babies & Toddlers
- 2 & 3 year olds
- Pre-K & Kindergarten
- Children in 1st – 5th Grades
Special Events
- Volunteer at one of our regular events
- Parents' Night Out
- Trunk or Treat
- Eggstravaganza
- Vacation Bible School
9:00 AM – Bible Fellowship
- Be present for Bible Fellowship hour and serve as a discussion group leader or co-leader for a portion of that time.
9:00 AM and/or 2:00 PM — Driver
- Assist with rides on Sundays before Bible Fellowship and following the afternoon gym time.
12:00 - 2:00 PM — Lunch & Games
- Be present in the gym/student area for lunch and games. Supervise and build relationships with students.
6:00 - 7:45 PM — Dinner, Study Time, & Games
- Be present in the Student Ministry Suite, serve and share dinner with the students, serve as discussion group leader or co-leader during our small group time.
Special Events & Camps
- Help facilitate the event, assist with transportation (if needed), supervise and have fun with the students.
- Our events will sometimes be held on different days of the week and at different times of day! We try to be sensitive to volunteer work schedules when planning them.
- We take our students to overnight summer camps and weekend camps over the course of the year. We will need drivers and also chaperones (especially need chaperones for overnight weekend camps).
We are committed to:
- Growing in God's word and training for godliness
- Mentoring and/or being mentored in our walk with Christ
- Serving alongside other Rehoboth Women, both at Rehoboth and in our community
- Praying for our own spiritual maturity, the spiritual well-being of our sisters in Christ, and for the lost God puts in our lives
You can get involved by:
- Joining a Bible study
- Leading a Bible study
- Mentoring / discipling another Rehoboth
Woman - Being mentored / discipled by another
Rehoboth Woman - Serving in short-term volunteer projects
- Joining the leadership/planning team
- Serving at large events
- Set-up & food prep for mens events
- Church greeters and ushers
- Guest followup
A/V and Platform:
Visual Media/Screens
- Help prepare all screens for the worship service
- Change slides throughout worship service
- Run the sound board
- Keep track of all microphones and other equipment used during the service
- Move equipment, podiums, etc. on and off platform as needed during the worship service
- participate in worship from the platform
- sing as part of a worship team or as a soloist
- attend worship team rehearsals as required
- participate in worship from the platform
- play an instrument as part of the band
- attend worship team rehearsals as required
Volunteer for at least 1 hour a week to help and graders at Brocket Elementary School develop their reading skills. This program would run from mid-September through April.
Clarkston Station:
Help plan and execute various events throughout the year at Clarkston Station, an apartment complex in our area.
Food Pantry:
There are three ways to serve the Food Pantry:
- serve as a shopper to purchase needed food and bring it to the church.
- serve as a packer on Wednesdays from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
- serve during the Food Pantry hours, 1:00 - 3:00 PM on Wednesdays, giving out the food bags and connecting with those who come to receive food
Serve Local Schools:
Help plan, organize and execute ways to serve our local schools. (One of the primary was we've done this in the past is to provide food & drinks for teachers and students.)
9:00 to 9:30 AM - Bible Fellowship
- Welcome all guests and members;
- Help guests connect with an appropriate Bible Fellowship
- Provide directions and basic information
10:10 to 10:30 AM - Worship Service
- Welcome all guests and members
- Help guests find seats
- Identify and welcome first time guests and help them connect with the church
- Provide directions and basic information
15 minutes following the Worship Service
- Be present at the "welcome" table(s)
- Welcome first time guests and help them connect with the church
- Provide directions and basic information
Wednesdays (Beginning in September)
6:00 to 6:30 PM
- welcome all guests and members;
- help guests connect with an appropriate Bible study
- provide directions and basic information
Weekday Events
Represent our church when we have guests:
- greet visitors
- provide directions
- serve food
- distribute handouts
- other tasks, as needed
Serve as a liaison for the family:
- greet family
- assist with placement of flowers
- help with communication between family, minister, and AV techs
- oversee the meal after the service
- help with set-up/location of items
- assist with clean-up as family spends time together
- other tasks, as needed
- Provide lunch-time and other needed coverage for the church reception desk during the week.
Team Members
One-year commitment
- Be frontline prayer warriors for the Pastors and the Rehoboth
Church Family - Gather regularly with the prayer team to pray
- Inform the team leader of any prayer needs or updates from the church family and beyond