Rehoboth Women
Tuesday Mornings
Begins September 24 at 10:30 AM in the Music Suite. Led by Brenda and will run 8 weeks. This group will be studying Colossians.
Tuesday Evening via Zoom
Begins September 17 at 7 PM. Led by Tina Bush and will run 10 weeks. This group will study the book “Biblical Womanhood” by The Good Book Co. Cost of the books is $6/each. You can buy the book from Tina directly after registration is complete.
Disciple Groups
If you are interested in being in a Discipleship Group other than these, click here to learn more and sign up.
Anyone interested in joining in a mentoring relationship with another of our Rehoboth Women is invited to contact Tina Bush via email ([email protected]) or fill out a form at the Welcome Table in the sanctuary. Discipleship through mentoring is ongoing and ladies are welcome to join at any time.
Upcoming Events
Mission Trip Opportunities
Interested in being a part of a mission trip?
Find all of our 2025 mission trip opportunities here
If you are interested, please register below for additional information
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