Rehoboth Kids

Growing in Wisdom, Stature, and Favor with God and Man
Weekly Rhythms for Rehoboth Kids
Sunday Mornings at 9:15 am
Bible Fellowship
Children are placed in classrooms by birthdate and school grade for small group Bible Fellowships that include stories, crafts, and other activities that reinforce learning. A nursery is available for the babies of adults attending Bible Fellowship at Rehoboth.
Childcare is provided for babies and children through kindergarten while their families are attending the worship service.
Children in 1st – 5th grades attend the worship service with their families or caregivers.
Wednesday evenings @ 6:30 pm
Rehoboth Kids
Preschoolers and children participate in a variety of activities which include Bible stories, crafts, music, and playtime. A nursery is available for babies and toddlers of parents involved in Wednesday evening Bible studies or prayer gatherings at Rehoboth. Wednesday evening activities occur September – November and February – May.
Upcoming Events

Rehoboth Basketball
Learn more about our partnership with Top of The Key and Rehoboth’s year-round basketball opportunities for children PreK-12th grade

Rehoboth Kids Next Steps
If you have a child who has expressed the desire to follow Jesus and be baptized, contact Mrs. Tina to attend our Rehoboth Kids Next Steps, where she will go more in-depth with the meaning of the Gospel and baptism.
If you are interested email Tina at [email protected].

Summer Camp
Get ready for a summer packed with laughter, learning, and unforgettable adventures!
June 9-13 – Art Camp
June 16-20 – Music Camp (Closed June 19)
June 23-27 – Engineering Camp
June 30 – July 4 – No Camp
July 7-11 – Chef Camp
July 14-18 – Drama Camp

We take your kid's safety seriously
All volunteers are required to pass a background check and complete our "safe child" orientation in standard Rehoboth policy and procedures.
If you are a first-time visitor, welcome! When checking in your child for the first time, you will be asked to provide your child’s information along with an emergency contact. You will receive a security card that must be presented at pick-up. Regular attendees utilize electronic check-in, which ensures a secure pick-up process.
At Rehoboth, we value the safety and well-being of every child. Our church is a family, and our children’s groups are an essential part of Rehoboth Church Family life. For this reason, we ask that parents and caregivers remain on campus, participating in Bible Fellowship and the Worship Service while their children are in class. Additionally, we require that all children be accompanied to the front desk for check-in before going to their class.
All volunteers must pass a background check and complete our Safe Child Orientation, which covers Rehoboth’s standard policies and procedures for ensuring a safe environment.