Our Worship Services & Weekly Rhythms

Sunday Worship – 10:30 am In the Sanctuary
If you are looking for a great church in Atlanta, you will find one at Rehoboth! Come as you are and join us for a Rehoboth service. Each week Pastor Troy speaks and teaches from God’s Word, and you will be encouraged by his engaging, practical messages.
When it comes to worship, we believe we are to bring what we have to the Lord joyfully. And we have great guitars, drums, keyboards, and singers. We also incorporate creative elements such as spoken word, storytelling, drama, and visual art.
What To Expect
The Rehoboth Church Family is just like any family–a mix of personalities, styles, and views. And, just like any family, we value and love one another. You’ll find folks in our service dressed to the nines–you may even spot a hat or two on Easter Sunday; you’ll also see folks in blue jeans and maybe even shorts. Dress comfortably. It’s hard to worship if your shoes are too tight!
We begin each Sunday morning worship service promptly at 10:30 AM; services last about an hour and fifteen minutes. You won’t be late for lunch, we promise!
Our church family is diverse, and our musical preferences are equally diverse. Rehoboth’s worship songs run the gamut from contemporary praise to CCM to hymns to gospel to southern gospel. Each song, regardless of style, is led with excellence and passion! We’d love for you to experience new styles of worship with us. You may even catch us on a day when we sing in the various heart languages of our church family–not only English, but also Spanish, Russian, French, Amharic, Swahili, and more.
Children kindergarten and younger are welcome to enjoy classes and childcare during the morning worship service. Children first grade and older will enjoy attending the service with their family.

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for dinner (you can order your dinner in advance at rehoboth.org/wednesdays-at-rehoboth or you can bring your own) at 5:30 PM! At 6:30 PM, we have Adult Bible Study and Rehoboth Kids will gather to learn, create, sing, and play.
Rehoboth Students will have dinner at 6 PM in the student room; from 6:30-7:30 PM they will gather for Bible study, and games, and fun. Pick up by 7:45 PM.