Our Vision and Mission

Our Mission

Jesus calls his followers to pursue the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. They shape us and all we do. They are the mold that shapes our mission statement.

Rehoboth exists to invite others to follow Jesus with us, discipling them to mature and multiply.

Our mission drives everything.

We are followers of Jesus, and we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ that he lived a perfect and sinless life obeying the Father’s will, was crucified for our sin, was resurrected by the Holy Spirit, ascended to heaven and will return again. He redeems and makes new everyone who believes in him and follows him.

We invite others to follow Jesus with us. One of the Lord’s good gifts to believers is the church family. We are sinners saved by grace, so we are not perfect. We, however, are an diverse church family devoted to following Jesus, to maturing with his Word by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to multiplying by inviting others to join us in following him.

2030 Vision

Rehoboth celebrated its 170th anniversary in 2024, and during the next five years we are focusing our prayers, ministries, resources, and attention on these five areas:

  1. Inviting 0thers to follow Jesus with us
  2. Developing strong, righteous men & strong women who follow Jesus
  3. Investing the gospel in public, private, and home education
  4. Seeing all of Rehoboth engaged in global missions to the unreached
  5. Launching the Rehoboth community center

Core Commitments

Our Core Commitments describe who we are. The also reflect what we do—what is our priority. These Core Commitments are central to all we do and what it means to be a member of our church family.


We strive to become more like Jesus each day, growing in understanding and obedience through the study of God's Word.


We live life together, loving and caring for one another as we follow Jesus as family.


We seek to love our neighbor and love those around us through meeting physical and spiritual needs.


We invite others to follow Jesus with us and seek to make disciples of all people.