Our Beliefs
The Bible
Since we are made in God’s image, all people stand at the top of God’s created order and are worthy of dignity and respect. We were made to love Him and eternally enjoy Him. But rather than rejoicing in Him, we rebelled against Him and became incurably sinful rebels toward all things holy, righteous, and good.
Forgiveness and Salvation
Our sincere love for God stopped when we rebelled, but God’s love for us did not. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross demonstrates the necessary lengths to which our gracious God goes to save people. Only by submitting to Him and trusting in Jesus Christ to save us and free us from sin can we experience forgiveness and the full abundant life God created us to enjoy.
Proclaiming the Gospel & Making Disciples
Mercy and Justice
You can find a more detailed description of our beliefs in the Baptist Faith and Message.